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Rowta Degree College
रौता जौमा फराइसालि
ৰৌতা স্নাতক মহাবিদ্যালয়
Affiliated to Bodoland University
Principal's Message

A higher educational institution was set up in the heart of Rowta Chariali on the 1st May, 2012 by the public of greater Rowta area with a view to up hip the society in the field of higher Education. The college has emerged cast and communities covering the area despite several economical and social hazards. The Degree College…
Prospectus Rowta Degree College
07/05/2024 -
Download 2nd Semester Arrear Admit Card
04/05/2024 -
Form Fillup Notice
About College

A higher educational institution was set up in the heart of Rowta Chariali on the 1st May, 2012 by the public of greater Rowta area with a view to up hip the society in the field of higher Education. The college has emerged cast and communities covering the area despite several economical and social hazards. The Degree College…